How color psychology influences your interior decoration (the meaning and importance of choosing them well)

by Ceejay

“Life in pink,” “feeling blue”, “seeing red”… ever noticed how we naturally associate colors with our emotions? It’s easy as hello, isn’t it? Actually, not that much, because color impacts our well-being and state of mind much deeper than you might think. You will see, dear readers, that your decoration choices, and particularly the colors, are not as trivial as you think.



The influence of colors: a history of psychology

A story of evolution, yes, you read that right

Come on, let’s travel together to the dawn of humanity. Colors already played a major role in our survival back then. Green evoked the presence of water and vegetation, while red could signal imminent danger. No wonder then, that even today, our brains react instinctively to these colorful stimuli. It’s not scientific talk, it’s concrete!

Colors and their meanings in home decorations

Colors can evoke very specific emotions and sensations. You do not believe me ? Come on, let me convince you.

Color red

Red , you know it well, is the color of passion, love, but also anger and danger. In your living room, it can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, but beware, too much of it can also become overwhelming. Red is a bold and energetic color that can add warmth and excitement to a room. It is often associated with passion, love, and energy. Red can also be used to create a sense of drama and intensity in a space. It pairs well with other bold colors like black and white, as well as with neutral colors like gray and beige. Designers often use red to create a focal point in a room or to add a pop of color to an otherwise neutral space.

Color blue

Blue , on the other hand, is often associated with tranquility and serenity. A wise choice for a bedroom, where you are probably looking for calm and peace. But too much blue, and you risk finding yourself in a cold and impersonal universe. Blue is a calming and soothing color that can add a sense of tranquility and relaxation to a room. It is often associated with peace, serenity, and stability. Blue can also be used to create a sense of depth and space in a space. It pairs well with other cool colors like green and purple, as well as with neutral colors like white and gray. Designers often use blue to create a focal point in a room or to add a touch of calm to an otherwise busy space.

Color green:

Using color Green at home is a restful color that symbolizes peace, balance, and harmony. It can rejuvenate and restore, giving the feeling of being connected to nature and feeling safe and secure. Symbolically, emerald green communicates luxury and elegance as in the jewel. Different shades of green have different meanings, for example, lime green encourages playfulness and creativity, while dark green promotes feelings of wealth and ambition.
In Feng Shui, green is connected to the wood element which is all about compassion, flexibility, healing, and growth

Color white:

White is a popular and powerful color used in interior design. It is a blank canvas to build upon and add standout details, and symbolizes spaciousness and wholeness. White represents purity or innocence, and can create a sense of space or add highlights. Designers often use the color white to make rooms seem larger and more spacious. White can also be an intense and powerful color to use in your interior design. Instead of absorbing as black does, white reflects completely. It can make a room appear bigger and more open due to the reflection of light. White is often associated with perceptions of cleanliness, purity, peace, simplicity, and sophistication.

Color brown

Brown is a warm and safe color that encapsulates our desire to have natural things around us. It is often the color we call wood or timber, and it is grainy and fundamentally earthy. Because it is natural, it goes with almost any color. Designers love brown. It has replaced the neutral gray at the moment and is everywhere you look. Brown represents nature and natural materials. Use brown to highlight stronger colors like lime green or orange or to tone down a room.

Color yellow

Yellow is a bright and cheerful color that can add warmth and energy to a room. It is often associated with happiness, joy, and optimism. Yellow can also be used to create a sense of lightness and airiness in a space. It pairs well with other bright colors like blue and green, as well as with neutral colors like gray and white. Designers often use yellow to create a focal point in a room or to add a pop of color to an otherwise neutral space .

Pink color

Pink is a soft and delicate color that can add a touch of romance and femininity to a room. It is often associated with love, compassion, and nurturing. Pink can also be used to create a sense of calm and relaxation in a space. It pairs well with other soft colors like lavender and light blue, as well as with neutral colors like gray and white. Designers often use pink to create a focal point in a room or to add a pop of color to an otherwise neutral space.

Gold color

Gold is a luxurious and elegant color that can add warmth and richness to a room. It is often associated with wealth, prosperity, and success. Gold can also be used to create a sense of glamour and sophistication in a space. It pairs well with other warm colors like red and orange, as well as with neutral colors like white and black. Designers often use gold to create a focal point in a room or to add a touch of luxury to an otherwise neutral space .

Black color

Black is a sophisticated and elegant color that can add a touch of drama and mystery to a room. It is often associated with power, sophistication, and formality. Black can also be used to create a sense of depth and contrast in a space. It pairs well with other bold colors like red and yellow, as well as with neutral colors like white and gray. Designers often use black to create a focal point in a room or to add a touch of elegance to an otherwise neutral space.

Silver color

Silver is a sleek and modern color that can add a touch of sophistication and elegance to a room. It is often associated with technology, innovation, and futurism. Silver can also be used to create a sense of calm and serenity in a space. It pairs well with other cool colors like blue and green, as well as with neutral colors like white and black. Designers often use silver to create a focal point in a room or to add a touch of modernity to an otherwise traditional space.

Orange color

Orange is a warm and energetic color that can add a sense of excitement and enthusiasm to a room. It is often associated with creativity, warmth, and happiness. Orange can also be used to create a sense of balance and harmony in a space.

Colors in your interior decoration

How to choose them well?

Imagine, you are in a paint shop, in front of a wall of color samples. You feel lost, don’t you? We understand you. So how do you make the right choice? How to use color psychology to your advantage?

Well, it all starts with asking the right questions: what atmosphere do you want to create? What is the orientation of your room? What is the size of the room? What furniture and objects will complete the decoration? And most importantly, what color makes you feel good?

For example, if you want a calming bedroom, you might opt ​​for shades of blue or green. If you want a dynamic living room, you could choose red or orange. But be careful, remember that balance is key. Like a good dish, a successful decoration is a question of dosage.

Mistakes to avoid

There are some classic mistakes we’ve all made at some point. We affectionately call them our “chromatic dumplings”. For example, do you remember that time when you decided to paint the living room black for an “ultra-modern” look? Except instead, you found yourself in a dark and oppressive cave. Yep, we’ve been there too.

Mistake #1: Too much black

Black, used sparingly, can bring a certain elegance to your decoration. But be careful, too much black can quickly make a room dark and stuffy. So before you jump in, ask yourself if your room is bright enough to support this color.

Mistake #2: Neglecting lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in color perception. You may have picked the perfect color, but if your lighting is bad, your walls are going to look dull and lifeless. So think about lighting your room well, by combining several light sources: ceiling light, accent lamps, spotlights, etc.

Mistake #3: Ignoring Room Size and Shape

Certain colors can make a room appear larger or smaller. For example, light colors visually expand the space, while dark colors tend to reduce it. So think about the size and shape of your room before making your choice.

The psychology of colors: beyond decoration

Color psychology is not limited to interior decoration. It plays a major role in many aspects of our lives, from marketing to fashion to art and design. For example, have you noticed that many company logos use red to elicit excitement and attention, or blue to inspire confidence? This is color psychology at work!

So the next time you’re tempted to choose a color for your home decor just because it’s “in” remember what you learned today. Color has a profound impact on our well-being and state of mind. So take the time to choose the one that really suits you, the one that makes you feel good. After all, it’s your house, you live in it!

And then, who knows, maybe the next time you get bluesy, you’ll decide to paint your room yellow to cheer yourself up. After all, it’s called “color psychology,” isn’t it?

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